
Peeling the Onion- Collage on Identity

Aaron Smith, Instructor

Collage has been used in fine art for many generations, notably by Pablo Picasso, Kurt Schwitters, Man Ray, and Georges Braque among others. Our collage, using primarily transparent mediums, adds depth and meaning to a piece. Peeling the onion comes from a common colloquialism meaning getting to know someone or something beyond surface. Peeling back the layers allows a more complex and interesting reveal. When getting to know someone, it is important that we know that people are not two dimensional, but full of hopes, dreams, phobias, wishes, and passions that we may not be privy to at first glance. Thanks to the 6 day intensive studio format of this program, we were able to explore many different mediums and overlay a great deal of personal content to the collages. Each day allowed a new layer of the onion to be laid in transparency. We did extensive brainstorming, explored expressive color in acrylic, the decorative aspects of decoupage with colored tissue, photo compositing with image transfers, and line work or text with paint pens. What resulted was a wonderfully complex image that continues to reveal itself long after your first glance. We hope you enjoy getting to know us better through our art!